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A Comprehensive Cyberbullying Guide for Parents
Digital technology is quickly becoming ubiquitous in our society. The majority of us now travel with at least one device on their person. This has its advantages, as people can gain access to real time information as well as communicate with social contacts and business associates. Read more.
E-Safety Guide for Parents to Keep Kids Safe Online
Looking for advice on how parents can keep their kids safe from the digital threats and tips for kids to be more cautious when they are online? Look no further! Read more.
My Journey with
Mental Illness
My journey with mental illness started when I learned how to manipulate other people. I learned that if I could be liked by more people, I could lose some of my unforgiving self-hate. Read more.
How are Self-Esteem and Self-Defense Connected?
Let’s start with a definition. Self-esteem is generally thought to be the value or regard one holds for oneself. This can be impacted by any number of external factors and consequently reinforced by internal processes. Read more.
Erase Bullying in Sport
Throughout B.C.
In 2017 Via Sport worked together with the Province of BC to create a Sport Declaration of Commitment to help ensure a safe, welcoming and positive sport culture and environment for all British Columbians. Read more.
The Appalling Mental & Physical Impact of Bullying
You’d think that as we grew older, we would grow out of bullying and intimidating behavior. And it’s true, some former school yard bullies learn the errors of their ways, and become productive members of society. Read more.
How do you Deal with a Bully Without Becoming a Thug?
How do you deal with a bully without becoming a thug? In this wise and soulful talk, peace activist Scilla Elworthy maps out the skills we need. Watch now
Cyberbullying Can be
Against the Law
Cyberbullying is not just hurtful — it can have serious legal consequences. Learn about the consequences you could face if you bully or harass someone online. Read more
Cyberbullying &
Substance Abuse
According to the Megan Meier Foundation—a foundation created by Tina Meier after her daughter took her own life as a result of being cyberbullied—about 34% of all school-aged kids have endured cyberbullying at some point in their lives. Read more